Celigo Consulting Services

Let our Celigo Consultants implement your next integrator.io project. Already implemented and just need help? We can help plan, implement, train, and even monitor your account for you.

Celigo allows your business to synchronize data, automate processes, and increase efficiencies within your business. This power technology allows you to connect multiple applications together using their proprietary integrator.io platform. This user friendly platform allows you to integrate pre-built smart connectors for things e-commerce applications such as Shopify, Magento, and Amazon. Most Celigo Smart connectors are designed to integrate with Netsuite, however, custom connectors can be built to fit your businesses needs. Make sure to checkout the Celigo Marketplace to see if they have a pre-built connector for your needs.

Our Process


Our Celigo consultants will help you design and plan your next data automation connector on the integrator.io platform. We can help implement pre-built smart connectors or build a new custom connector to fit your businesses needs.


After we have a plan, we get to work implementing your connector. From pre-built smart connectors to 100% custom connectors, we will have your connector implemented in no time. This usually takes 4-12 weeks.


After implementation, we will train you and your team on exactly how to use the connector, monitor for errors, and set you and your team up for success. We will make sure you and your team are setup for success.


Our integrator.io monitoring service allows you to sleep at night knowing that a Celigo expert is monitoring your account for any errors. Need new features? With our monitoring service you receive 10% off all new projects.

celigo smart connectors

Let’s Get Started!

We would love to help you with your next Celigo project.

Get in touch with us today to schedule your free Celigo consultation. Fill out the form below and our team of Celigo Experts will be in touch soon.

Robbie Shawn

E-Commerce Consultant

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